Médecins chefs du CNO 

Dr Kiel

Spécialiste FMH en ophtalmologie et ophtalmo chirurgie

Dr Pilly

Spécialiste FMH en ophtalmologie et ophtalmo chirurgie

Médecins cadres du CNO

Dr Bertschinger

Spécialiste FMH en ophtalmologie et ophtalmo chirurgie

Dr Mormile

Spécialiste FMH en ophtalmologie et ophtalmo chirurgie

Chefs de cliniques et assistants

Dre Cottet
Dre Calame
Dre Gindroz

Orthoptiste et opticienne

Mme Auberson


Mme Choury


Coordinatrices médicale

Operating room manager

The CNO is a teaching Clinic for Ophthalmologists and ophtalmo-surgeons. At the moment we have 6 doctors in training.


Dr Durig, Ophthalmic surgeon, specialist in Paediatrics comes regularly at CNO to meet patients.


The CNO has also a very dynamic healthcare team composed of two orthoptists, 14 medical secretaries and assistants, one registered operating theatre practitioner, one registered nurse and one registered healthcare assistant.